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Guildford massage bookings

Guildford, is the county town of Surrey and is known for it’s historic buildings and High Street plus excellent transport connections between Portsmouth, London, Reading and both London’s Heathrow and Gatwick Airports so if you wish to visit us then it is easy to do so.

Having reached the town, drive into Tylehost and then turn right into Parklands where a number of commercial units are situated. Drive to the end of this road where you will spot an office unit addressed “4, Paris”. You can park outside and then ring the bell on the door entry system so you can be let you in.

If travelling by train this address is approximately 2 mile’s away from the main railway station so you will need to catch a taxi to our premises.

Guildford High Street

Head Office: 4 Paris, Parklands, Guildford GU2 9JX

Guildford mobile massage

Our Guildford mobile massage service is available up to a travelling time of 30 minutes from our massage therapy room.

Additional information:

Contact us, if in any doubt, to confirm that a visit will be possible before booking.

Travelling by car:

Your full address, and possibly a WhatThreeWords reference; plus details of where we can park, without having to walk too far with our portable massage table, will be required once you have booked a mobile massage.

There may have to be an additional service charge to cover our travelling expenses.

Guildford travel distance
Map created at:

10% off your first massage with us